Use our Lanzarote weather forecast to find whats going on the next few days, our forecast is updated daily, 2 times a day. If you would like to know about weather during the rest of the year and what events are going on during each month take a look at "Lanzarote During the Year" on the right hand side of this page.
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The usual weather forecast in Lanzarote is not 100% accurate its impossible as this is a small island and as we all know weather can be unpredictable. You will see above the Lanzarote weather in real-time and we will break it down for you to hear. We will link to each month for a more in-depth look at the weather in Lanzarote month by month with average temperatures and you can see at the bottom of this page on mobile a month by month breakdown so whenever you are coming to Lanzarote you can see what the weather in Lanzarote will be like more or less.
Lanzarote like everywhere has a summer and a winter but the Canary Islands in the most popular winter destination so we do get sun all year round although certain months like October to March/April can be a little cold at night and can see some rainfall.
January can be a great time to visit and the sun is shining.The weather in Lanzarote in January sees a temperature between 13°C to 20°C. January is the coldest time of the year and you can expect an average of 2 days a month of rainfall. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is warm in January on our weather in Lanzarote in January page.
The weather in Lanzarote in February is very similar to January, with temperatures ranging from 19 °C to 23 °C during the day and staying steady between 15 degrees and 16 degrees in the night. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is warm in February on our weather in Lanzarote in February page.
The weather in Lanzarote in March has is pretty similar weather like January and February with temperatures ranging between 20 °C to 24 °C during the day and between 14 °C and 16 °C at night. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is warm in March on our weather in Lanzarote in March page.
The weather in Lanzarote in April has great weather with the temperature during the day is somewhere between 20 °C to 25 °C and evenings can be rather cool especially in the north of the island around 12 to 14 °C. The temperature during the day is somewhere between 20 °C to 25 °C and evenings can be rather cool especially in the north of the island around 12 to 14 °C. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is warm in April on our weather in Lanzarote in April page.
The weather in Lanzarote in May sees temperatures range between 22 °C to 26 °C. At night temperature can be near 17 °C. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is warm in May on our weather in Lanzarote in May page.
The weather in Lanzarote in June is the start of the summer season and sees temperatures as high as 26°C and even at night is around 18°C. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is warm in June on our weather in Lanzarote in June page.
The weather in July in Lanzarote is one of the hottest months. Day temperatures in July in Lanzarote can reach a high of 29 °C and nights are cool and pleasant with 20 °C and is the start of summer holidays. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is hot in July on our weather in Lanzarote in July page.
The weather in Lanzarote in August sees temperatures as high as 28°C to 29°C and lows of 18°C to 20°C. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is hot in August on our weather in Lanzarote in August page.
The weather in Lanzarote in September could have temperatures of around 29 °C in the daytime, and evening around 18 - 19°C. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is hot in September on our weather in Lanzarote in September page.
The weather in Lanzarote in October has temperatures in the daytime of 27°C and nights can be comfortably at 18 °C. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is hot in October on our weather in Lanzarote in October page.
The weather in Lanzarote in November has day temperatures that can go to a maximum of 26 °C and nights can be chilly at 14 °C. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is hot in November on our weather in Lanzarote in November page.
The weather in Lanzarote has December has maximum temperatures during the daytime is 21°C, and 14°C at the night. You can see more information on if Lanzarote is hot in November on our weather in Lanzarote in December page.
The chances of snow in Lanzarote are very slim, although it has known to hail a couple of times and the North can be colder. In Tenerife at the top of Mount Teide there is snow so we cannot rule it out.
If you are looking for the hot Lanzarote weather then peak season June to September will be the hottest time in Lanzarote. If you want cooler weather then September to May is the best time to come but the Lanzarote weather is beautiful all year round and you will always find things to do in Lanzarote whatever the weather.
During the winter months, it does rain but it tends to rain at night and only for a short amount of time before the sun comes out. The island is very small but you will find that it will rain in Puerto Del Carmen but be perfectly sunny in Playa Blanca. You can see a breakdown month by month on the individual pages.
It can get very hot in Lanzarote during the summer months June to September so be prepared for high UV raise and make sure you have your sun cream.
Are you traveling to Lanzarote later in the year, find out more about the weather in Lanzarote during different months.
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Lanzarote has some of the best beaches in Europe.
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Lanzarote has always something to offer for the whole family.
Puerto Del Carmen is one of the main tourist resorts in Lanzarote, with a bustling promenade and a lively nightlife.
Playa Blanca is a place where you can have a little lavish holiday with a yacht ride or a ferry ride to Fuerteventura Island.
Costa Teguise is a popular coastal town with lots of British restaurants and pubs.
Puerto Calero is one the most luxurious ports in the Canary Islands with great restaurants and also some very popular boutiques.