If you are here for holiday in Lanzarote then you must take part in Ironman Lanzarote 2017. This year it is going to be bigger and better with the whole island gearing up for this event. There are 2 laps Swim course, climbing of over 2551 m. bike course and 3 laps run course.
Join spectators and volunteers along the cobbled streets of Puerto Del Carmen, through the rocky and lava landscape of the island, the clean ocean coast and sandy beaches, to cheer and support the athletes.
The swim course is a 2 lap race, 3.8 km long held at Playa Grande, Puerto del Carmen where the water temperature is between 18°C - 19°C. The bike course is 182.2km long all around the island with over 2551 m. of climbing. The run course is 42.2Km long, with 2 laps, where the first lap goes along the flat seafront of Puerto del Carmen, passing through Playa Honda, towards Arrecife and back. The second lap takes place on the sea front along the seafront of Puerto del Carmen until Matagorda and back.
Below is the pre-schedule and event programme which you must definitely attend:
Pre-event Schedule
Monday May 15th and Tuesday May 16th:
10:00 - 18:00 : IRONMAN Lanzarote Info Centre open, Club La Santa
Wednesday May 17th, Thursday 18th May and Friday 19th May:
10:00 - 18:00 : Registration, IRONMAN Lanzarote Info Centre open, Club La Santa
Thursday, May 18th:
10:00 - 21:00 : Expo, in front of Atlántico Commercial Centre, Puerto del Carmen
12:00 : Pre-race meeting PRO athletes - Business Conference Center, Club La Santa
15:00 - 18:000 : Pre-Race Meeting, the Square, Club La Santa (15:00 English, 15:45 Spanish, 16.30 German, 17:15 French)
18:00 - 21:30 : Pasta Party, IRONMAN Tent, Club La Santa
18:30 : Parade of Nations, Stadium, Club La Santa
21:00 : IRONMAN Lanzarote 2016 video, the Square, Club La Santa
Friday, May 19th:
10:00 - 21:00 : Expo, in front of Atlántico Commercial Centre, Puerto del Carmen
13:00 : IRONMAN Lanzarote Press Conference Suite Hotel Fariones Playa, Puerto del Carmen, open to athletes
14:00 : Media lunch & briefing, Suite Hotel Fariones Playa, Puerto del Carmen, open to athletes
14:30 : Bus departure from Club La Santa to Puerto del Carmen (Bike Check In)
15:00 - 18:00 : Bike and Bag Check In, Transition Zone, Puerto del Carmen
16:30 - IRONKIDS race in Puerto del Carmen, Matagorda (in front of Suite Hotel Fariones Playa)
RACE DAY - Saturday, May 20th
05:00 : Transition zone opens for athletes
06:00 - 06:55 : Swim check/Champion Chip control
07:00 : Race Start, Swim
07:45 : First triathlete finishes 3.8km swim
09:20 : Swim course closed
10:00 - 21:00 : Expo, in front of Atlántico Commercial Centre
12:45 : First athlete finishes 180.2km bike course
15:35 : First finisher - Finish line Puerto del Carmen
18:30 : Bike course closed
24:00 : Run course closed
Sunday, May 21st
09:30 - 14:00 : IRONMAN Lanzarote Info Centre open, Club La Santa
11:00 : Hawaii Roll Down Ceremony and Registration, the Square, Club la Santa (Participants have to be present to receive their slot)
17:30 - 18:30 : IRONMAN Lanzarote 2018: priority onsite registration for all 2017 participants, the Square Club La Santa
IRONMAN Lanzarote Tent, Club La Santa
18:00 : Awards Dinner
20:00 : Awards Ceremony
21:30 : Special Achievement medal Awards
22:00 : IRONMAN Lanzarote video 2017
The Square, Club La Santa
17:00 : Shops, bars and restaurants open
21:00 : Live Music
Ironman Lanzarote 2017 is an event you must not miss. It is full of energy and worth being a part of and cheering the athletes.