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Places in Lanzarote

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Plan Book Discover

Things To Do In Lanzarote

Things to do in Lanzarote at a Glance

Places in Lanzarote at a Glance

Lanzarote is a place where you can never get bored in, there are lots of things you can do in Lanzarote.

There are lots of attractions like museums and beaches, you can even island hop on excursions to Fuerteventura and La Graciosa from Lanzarote.

There are also loads of Restaurants and bars with in-house DJ's, Karoake and much more.

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Sample traditional Wine and cheese and take the vineyard tour at El Grifo Wine Museum

El Grifo Wine Museum or Museo del Vino de El Grifo is on a volcanic rock which has old wineries built in 1775. The museum has a traditional Lanzarote taste with thick volcanic rock walls and wooden beams as roofs from ship scrapings.


You can enjoy the displays from utensils used to extract the best grape juice, to different artifacts and some odd winery machinery, like a shuffling pump of 1865, a corking machine of 1870 etc. The main attraction however is the barrel-making workshop by Rafael Corujo de Leon. There is also the Wine Tasting Room or El Salon de la Cata where one can have a taste of the wine and cheese.

Enjoy the Wine Museum and their vineyard tours. Two tastings included. Prior booking is necessary.

Entrance fee is 6 euro per adult which includes a free wine tasting.


Guided Tours: Every Day: 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Bathrooms Open Daily Parking Tour Guide Wine Tasting