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Places in Lanzarote

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Plan Book Discover

Things To Do In Lanzarote

Things to do in Lanzarote at a Glance

Places in Lanzarote at a Glance

Lanzarote is a place where you can never get bored in, there are lots of things you can do in Lanzarote.

There are lots of attractions like museums and beaches, you can even island hop on excursions to Fuerteventura and La Graciosa from Lanzarote.

There are also loads of Restaurants and bars with in-house DJ's, Karoake and much more.

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Naturist beach popular for swimming and sunbathing

El Charco del Palo is a nudist beach located on the northwestern coast of the island. This part of the coastline is beautiful with black volcanic rock, the sun and sea.

The waters may be rough close to the rocks, but it is possible to access the calm waters in three protected sites without any problems.

There is a "bathtub", a cavity that fills and empties with the tide, is a popular place for swimming and sunbathing without clothes.

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