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Attractions in Lanzarote

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Attractions in Lanzarote

Attractions in Lanzarote at a Glance

Attractions in Lanzarote at a Glance

Lanzarote is a very vibrant island, where you can never get bored, there are so many thing to do in Lanzarote and many attractions. These can be seen independently with car hire but expect long waiting times in peak season or on the many of the excursions in Lanzarote

LanzaroteON's Saver Tip Download the TravelOn World App now for many offers and start saving immediately. For Android TravelON World app ANDROID. For Apple users TravelON World app APPLE Most attractions in Lanzarote tend to get booked very quickly especially with limited spaces, and during peak seasons. It is always better to book and reserve your place, and the most convenient way to do it is online through our partners' Excursions in Lanzarote.

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Explore these underwater caves and the raoring noise of the Atlantic Ocean against the lava rocks

Los Hervideros meaning "The Boiling Place" in Spanish, has a stretch of bizarre shaped cliffs north of Playa Blanca, a popular resort and towards El Golfo.


These were created between 1730-1706 when Timanfaya volcanoes erupted.


It has abundant underwater caves due to solidified lava and erosion. It reveals an awesome sight when the Atlantic Ocean is rough and sprays seawater several metres into the air with a roaring noise againt the lava rocks.

*Visiting: Free of charge*

Free Entrance Open 24 Hours Open on Sundays Sea View